viernes, 1 de febrero de 2008

Entrada en Coolminiornot

Como muchos de vosotros sabéis, Coolminiornot es una web creada con el fin de servir como una galería de miniaturas/dioramas... para cualquier persona que esté en este hobby y quiera enseñar sus obras al mundo, para que éste las valore. Ahí es donde radica el intríngulis de Coolmini: es un lugar donde se someten a votación tus minis para saber qué nota se llevan.

En dicha web se pueden encontrar todo tipo de piezas y pintados, de cualquier parte y persona del mundo. Además de poder aprender mucho, siempre se pueden sacar también muy buenas ideas.

Después de mucho pensarlo me arriesgué a inicios de Enero de este año 2008 a subir una de mis últimas obras, concretamente "Lonely Dreadnought". La idea era la de ver qué acogida tenía y si podía llegar a gustar.

Pues bien, el experimento no pudo resultar mejor. Aparte de las más de 7000 visitas que lleva mi obra, se han dejado muchos comentarios y votos, dejando la nota media de esta obra en un 9.0, lo que le supuso estar durante una semana en el llamado Top Last 7 days, vamos entre las mejores de la semana.

Para mí es un orgullo y un privilegio el haber podido conectar con mi obra con el mundo (he recibido mensajes de los EEUU, Alemania, Inglaterra, Francia...) lo que quiere decir que la cosa no es tan maleja como yo creo. Eso sí... ahora me lo tengo que currar todo mucho más... jejeje...

Sin más, que me apetecía hacer esta reflexión y anuncio.

Un saludo... y gracias a todos vosotros!!

Pd. Parece que transmite algo, no? Leedlo vosotros en los comentarios!!

Lonely Dreadnought By Connann
Manufacturer: Games Workshop | SF Category | Submitted: 07-Jan-08
Average: 9.0 | Votes: 261| Views: 7118

Voting Guide: Pretend you're a Golden Demon judge. Painting skill, imagination and style are key! 10 is amazing, 8 is a great job, 5 is tabletop quality.

os presento una de mis últimas obras. He intentado plasmar una escena que mostrara la soledad y devastación del lejano Universo del 41º Milenio, todo ello con pruebas de óxidos y envejecimiento.
Espero que os guste!!

Hi to all,
I show you one of my very last works.
I tried to make a lonely and devastated scene from
the 41st Millenium; all of it with rust and ancient effects trials.

Hope you like it!

Viewer comments:

This one of the best what if seen !!!! Pleace go with this Model on a GamesDay, you win the Golden Deamon realy !!!!

buena atmosfera bien pintado y el efecto de oxido esta bien conseguido... y el cesped me encanta!!!! good atmosphere, well painted and the oxide effect it's really good done... and I love tha grass!!!!

So so cool realy greate idea

Brilliant! I agree with all the things gearhead said. Apart from that I love the interaction between the trooper and the sergeant. The trooper looks at the Dreadnought, trying to understand what is going on. If he had time to think, maybe he would see the futility of 40.000 years of war. Maybe he could see how pointless it was to fight over the same worthless patch of land as the Dreadnought did... Maybe he would see the end all soldiers face. But the sergeant shouts at him, enforces discipline, and thereby prevents him to get that understanding.
So he soldiers on...

Great piece! Inspiring! And how did you make that grass? It looks natural and realistic. But..the only thing I don't like are the gaps on the shoulders between the corpse and the weapon arms. I think its not necessary and it would look better if the arms are fitted proberly to the corpse, The gap doesn't give any extra view to some interiour damage right?
But just my opinion...

bonne ambiance mais qualité de peinture pas extra, en plus c'est de la trempette à la lazure si je ne m'abuse...

Wow, one of the best ideas i have ever seen...kinda sad he got let behind.

Superbe atmosphère

Please take this to a Golden Demon! This is probably one of the most ambient pieces i've ever seen!

This is brilliant. Might not have the flashiness of some of the other top painter's work but that it just works so well. It kinda reminds me of the dead robots from Laputa, if that makes sense...

I love everything about this: the grass, the positioning of the minis, the troopers' camo and posing, the rust and downright *lonliness* of the Dread. It seems to me like you've really captured a moment in time, and I can almost hear the wind blowing through the grass, and soldiers shouting in the distance. The only thing I'd like to see would
be obvious damage, such as frayed power cables on the lascannon, but this is a beautiful piece!!

love the base

not to rain on your parade, but a space marine chapter would never leave a dreadnought on the battlefield, still a very good piece

Looks awesome. Would be nice if the dreadnought had a bit more damage (seeing as its already rusted through) and maybe faded patches of the original chapter colours.

Wonderful scene - theaterlike!

You created such a great and original scene, absolutely amazing!

the rust !!!!! -genius . its all great , such a good idea .

I like it! It is full of senses - depressive and touching!
Bravo, master!!!

connann, i don't know who are you, but you are a fantastic painter!!!!!
BELISIMO es broma, connann, perfecto, tio, para variar, no?

AMAZING! Really feels like the universe! One of my favorites of all time

What a beautiful diorama. I absolutely love the rusted armor on the Dreadnought. If I knew how to paint armor like that I would go crazy with the unpainted Necrons in my cabinet.
Do you mind telling me your recipe?

Está fenomenal; la presentación de la escena, en su tremenda sencillez, y partiendo de una idea simple es extraordinaria. De maestro escenográfico, ciertamente.

Wow! How did you get the grass?

Es una verdadera joya...ya te lo dijimos en La Fabrica, pero ahora aqui, lo corroboro.

Looks really great! Very well done. a Space Marine chapter would never leave a Dreadnought on the battlefield. They would try very much to get it back.
But no matter, it's a nice scene.

Woowww!!! Connann, como siempre... en tu linea. Magnific!!!

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Bienvenidos a "La Morada de Connann"!!

En este blog iré posteando regularmente las novedades y proyectos que vaya realizando.

Espero que os guste lo que hago y que comentéis cualquier duda o sugerencia que tengáis al respecto.

Un saludo...

English version

Welcome to "La Morada de Connann"!!

I use this blog to update my new works or projects. I hope you like it and comment all you want.
