miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2009

Ronin (Japan, 1630) (3)

Hi again! I had free time last week... and I painted some things of the miniature.

As you can see in these pictures, I try to represent a real japanese clothes' of the 17th century: natural colors, flowers draws in the silk shirt... usual clothes for the ronins.

These kind of colors make a contrast with the lightly tones of the terrain, perfect to combine the mini and the terrain.

The flesh/skin of the japanese figure isn't finished yet, I need to spend more time on it. It's difficult to paint an oriental skin!

Now I'm doing the lights for the miniatures, very important step. Ah! I painted the katana in black color, as the 17th century japanese swords. I want to do a real scene... and I must say... it's very difficult! ^_^ U

Enjoy it!

Click the image

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Welcome to "La Morada de Connann"!!

I use this blog to update my new works or projects. I hope you like it and comment all you want.
